Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Ta-Nehisi Coates - star crossed lover man?

I shared the excerpt below because of its extraordinary power and earth shuddering effect it had on me but there is one thing about it I found puzzling. Why in a book to his son is Coates detailing his sexual escapades with a bitch from beyond the stars? then it struck me

Coates son is named Samori

Samori. Doesn't that sound, I don't know, a little alien to you? like, if you were watching a repeat of Babylon 5, the much underrated space drama of some years back, and an alien character had the name Samori it wouldnt seem out of place yet if he was named Bill or Hank you'd be all like "What the fuck?". In fact Samori sounds distinctly romulan to me. Now, I know the romulans are fictional race of alien from Star Trek but its perfectly feasible that not knowing the alien woman's true race Coates settled on such a name in tribute to her, Samori's REAL mother.

Now, I don't assert that this alien women Coates slept with is Samori's real mother. I just mention the possibility as something that would explain this curious inclusion, that perhaps he included it as subtle hint to Samori We can never know and that is one of the great majesties of Coates as a writer. Every bride of revelation comes accompanied by ten bridemaids of mystery and Coates is fine with that, no, he rejoices in it. He stuffs bouquets into those guns you use to fire t-shirts into the crowds at wrestling events and sprays the wedding party with abandon laughing manically like a crazy man shooting up a walmart with an AK.

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