The Zoe Quinn Resource FREE DLC: The Bitch is Back
(was going to add this to the original post but its just easier to publish a new one)
In august 2019 Zoe Qunn shared a communication to the world via a series of notes screenshots, the preferred medium of the solipsistic whore.
She had a new tale of woe for us. Or, in fact, an old tale of woe which she had been keeping inside for years but had finally built up the courage to share with us. Let’s walk through it.
The preamble. Quinn is establishing that she is afraid but now cowed. Hurt but not defeated. Down but not out. Blah blah blah.
One point of interest is her claim that the story she is about to share is the root of why she no longer attends GDC. Its only necessary to spend 30 seconds searching her twitter feed to establish that she didn’t stop attending GDC until roughly 5 years after the alleged events. She has only missed GDC the last two years and only because she has largely transitioned out of games into comic books. She doesn’t attend GDC because she found idiots prepared to publish her awful comic books. Not because of any psychological trauma. Quinn is frankly too sociopathic to suffer too much in this regard. The only inner turmoil she ever experiences is when her digestive tract rebels after one burrito too many.
One point of interest is her claim that the story she is about to share is the root of why she no longer attends GDC. Its only necessary to spend 30 seconds searching her twitter feed to establish that she didn’t stop attending GDC until roughly 5 years after the alleged events. She has only missed GDC the last two years and only because she has largely transitioned out of games into comic books. She doesn’t attend GDC because she found idiots prepared to publish her awful comic books. Not because of any psychological trauma. Quinn is frankly too sociopathic to suffer too much in this regard. The only inner turmoil she ever experiences is when her digestive tract rebels after one burrito too many.
She and Alec had agreed that she would pay for her flight out but he would pay for her flight back and provide a two weeks worth of room and board. In other words our brave little feminist was paying but a small fraction of what she would have done if she had paid her own way. With typical Quinn hubris she talks about her freeloading as if the arrangement was something modern and equitable, the equivalent of going dutch on a dinner date.
But the agreement is broken. The cad reneges on his promise to cart Quinn’s fat ass back to Toronto gratis. Unable to raise the astronomical fees to get herself back (roughly $200 by plane, $50 by coach) he has successfully marooned Quinn. Its only when she finds someone else to leech a plane ticket off that she finally escapes the apartment he had “physically confined” her to.
But, hold on, is this a magic plane ticket her roomate sprang for her. How did it stop Alec from physically confining her to his apartment? Could it be that when Quinn uses the words “physical confinement” she is merely using them to characterise Alec’s refusal to buy her a plane ticket?
But the agreement is broken. The cad reneges on his promise to cart Quinn’s fat ass back to Toronto gratis. Unable to raise the astronomical fees to get herself back (roughly $200 by plane, $50 by coach) he has successfully marooned Quinn. Its only when she finds someone else to leech a plane ticket off that she finally escapes the apartment he had “physically confined” her to.
But, hold on, is this a magic plane ticket her roomate sprang for her. How did it stop Alec from physically confining her to his apartment? Could it be that when Quinn uses the words “physical confinement” she is merely using them to characterise Alec’s refusal to buy her a plane ticket?
Some very simple questions to ask yourself
a) is it plausible that Zoe Quinn couldn't raise less than $50 for a coach ticket back to Toronto? (Remember that we know she had at least 3 friends in Winnipeg as the prospect of moving in with them was one of the reasons she went to stay with Alec)
b) If she'd rather endure weeks of "abuse" than spend $50 is it sensible to refer to it as abuse?
He’s also jamming his fingers inside and walking her around the apartment when she tells him it hurts. This is incredibly vague. Where is he jamming his fingers and in what context? The general assumption is that he’s jamming his fingers inside her vagina and that it is non consensual but Quinn is not explicit on either point. And even if the assumption is accurate I can still envision circumstances when it would be understandable. If, for example, Quinn was engaged in a full feeding frenzy, just stood at the fridge pounding its contents down her gullet, then I can imagine a vice like grip of the pussy being the only effective means of tearing her away.
So much of her account is partial, vague, and worded to invite certain interpretations where others are just as possible.She could just as well be describing bad sex as sexual abuse and its a completely irresponsible way to talk about such things. It would not be out of character at all if Quinn were deliberately describing consensual rough sex in a way to suggest to the reader it was something else.
Hold up, bitch. Were you scared to leave or were you prevented from leaving? Were you too scared to tell anyone or were the things you were telling them making them so scared they paid for your flight out of there?
And why are you sending a ‘cordial and friendly’ break up email to someone who imprisoned you as a sex slave for a month?
Anyone with a brain that has not decayed through prolonged exposure to feminist dogma must see she is at the very least seriously embellishing what ever happened between them. Two shitty people having a shitty relationship is neither surprising nor interesting. It certainly isn't grounds to elevate one of those shitty people, a person who is a known user and liar, as someone worthy of praise and sympathy.
Hold up, bitch. Were you scared to leave or were you prevented from leaving? Were you too scared to tell anyone or were the things you were telling them making them so scared they paid for your flight out of there?
And why are you sending a ‘cordial and friendly’ break up email to someone who imprisoned you as a sex slave for a month?
Anyone with a brain that has not decayed through prolonged exposure to feminist dogma must see she is at the very least seriously embellishing what ever happened between them. Two shitty people having a shitty relationship is neither surprising nor interesting. It certainly isn't grounds to elevate one of those shitty people, a person who is a known user and liar, as someone worthy of praise and sympathy.
Your entire time in the public eye has spent being believed, not only without evidence, but even when the evidence was against you. Relentless lying, ripping off backers, exploiting volunteers. All of this is public knowledge and yet the tiny dicked press persist in treating you as a heroine standing bravely against a baying mob.
It’s not remotely credible, remotely credible, to claim you held off from these claims because you were concerned that you wouldn’t be believed. You know full well, because you’re one of them, that there are so many with a palpable hunger to believe these stories. So many who eagerly seize on any opportunity to sacrifice a new offering at the altar of their virtue. Cruel and vindictive people who delight whenever there’s a moral pretext to be cruel and vindictive. The pious frauds who beat their ploughshares into swords.
Your entire time in the public eye has spent being believed, not only without evidence, but even when the evidence was against you. Relentless lying, ripping off backers, exploiting volunteers. All of this is public knowledge and yet the tiny dicked press persist in treating you as a heroine standing bravely against a baying mob.
It’s not remotely credible, remotely credible, to claim you held off from these claims because you were concerned that you wouldn’t be believed. You know full well, because you’re one of them, that there are so many with a palpable hunger to believe these stories. So many who eagerly seize on any opportunity to sacrifice a new offering at the altar of their virtue. Cruel and vindictive people who delight whenever there’s a moral pretext to be cruel and vindictive. The pious frauds who beat their ploughshares into swords.
More self celebratory rubbish, a scared yet defiant Quinn telling us of of her determination that no other girl ever has to go through securing her own air fare.
Look, Quinn. You’re a shit person. You met another shit person. You had a shit relationship. There are a few sensible responses to that sequence of events. They include “duh”, “so what?”, and “SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU FAT BITCH”
They definitely do not include the response that you have got from the fake and small dicked news. And that’s why I, a real journalist with a large dick, am standing up. I am making overtures to Alec and and I am determined to get the real story out there whatever it may be. Im not doing it for me, im doing it for the gamers. And though no-one likes an escort mission, you can rest assured I will be escorting the truth all the way into the public domain.
More self celebratory rubbish, a scared yet defiant Quinn telling us of of her determination that no other girl ever has to go through securing her own air fare.
Look, Quinn. You’re a shit person. You met another shit person. You had a shit relationship. There are a few sensible responses to that sequence of events. They include “duh”, “so what?”, and “SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU FAT BITCH”
They definitely do not include the response that you have got from the fake and small dicked news. And that’s why I, a real journalist with a large dick, am standing up. I am making overtures to Alec and and I am determined to get the real story out there whatever it may be. Im not doing it for me, im doing it for the gamers. And though no-one likes an escort mission, you can rest assured I will be escorting the truth all the way into the public domain.
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